
Here at the 盟友中心, your academic success is our focus. We come alongside you on your journey by providing free personalized academic attention. Whether you are looking to finish a paper or needing extra help on an assignment, 艾丽中心是你在学术上出类拔萃的地方!


AMS is a resource available to all traditional undergraduate LBC students. Peer tutors and professional personnel provide you with individualized attention to help you be successful in the college classroom. We assist students with reviewing course material for tests, 规划项目, 组织每周的“待办事项”清单, 和更多的!

如果你想在学术上更进一步, 你可以参加导师领导的学习小组, 报名参加每周一对一的辅导预约, or request content specific tutoring appointments as needed.



The 数学实验室 is available to any student enrolled in a traditional undergraduate math class at LBC. Dedicated math professors hold regular lab hours in person at our Lancaster campus to help students complete math assignments in a small group setting. If you need additional help, you may also request individualized math tutoring sessions through AMS.



The 写作中心 provides assistance to all undergraduate (including Accelerated) and seminary/graduate students at any st年龄 of the writing process. Peer tutors and professional writing tutors are here as a resource for you, 帮助大家进行头脑风暴, 组织, 概述, 语法, 力学, MLA和APA格式, 编辑, 和打样. Even if you would just like to talk through a tricky assignment, 或者修改你的草稿, 我们的导师渴望在你的写作过程中帮助你.


In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as well as the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and its amendments, our 可及性服务 Office provides reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities to ensure access to all programs, 设施, 以及学院的活动. Accommodations are made on an individual, case-by-case basis. Incoming students with disabilities must: 1) submit their documentation to our office, and 2) promptly schedule an intake interview upon acceptance so that accommodations can be arranged before the start of the semester for which they plan to enroll.


学生s with disabilities who wish to receive accommodations must self-identify to the 可及性服务 Coordinator. 学生s who have been identified with a 残疾 must present evidence of that 残疾. The student may provide medical documentation or a psycho-educational assessment to inform the determination of appropriate accommodations. An IEP or 504 Plan may also be sufficient to establish 残疾. All documentation is treated as confidential information under FERPA guidelines. 如需更详细资料,请 点击这里.

The 可及性服务 Coordinator will review the material and, 如果足以确定资格, an “intake interview” will be scheduled with the student. The interview may be conducted in person or by phone or email. 根据文件和入职面谈, the Coordinator will identify accommodations needed in each particular class and for campus activities and programs. 一旦确定, the accommodations are affective immediately for that specific term and are provided as a means of ensuring access to all programs. The Coordinator will assist the student in communicating the needs to faculty.

Accommodations do not automatically carry over from one term to the next; immediately upon registration for new courses, students must inform the 可及性服务 Office so that appropriate accommodations can be determined and faculty receive timely notification.


  • Accommodations which are requested after the term has begun have no bearing on academic grades earned prior to the request. The student bears the consequences of failing to request accommodations in a timely manner; retroactive accommodations cannot be granted.
  • 改变程序目的的调整, 必备技能, or licensing and/or accreditation standards are not considered “reasonable” under the law and cannot be granted.
  • 辅助技术
  • 音频/访问的教科书
  • 网虫
  • 尽早获得教学大纲
  • 检查/测试:
    • Distraction-reduced环境
    • 长时间
    • 抄写员
    • 读者
    • 扩大/增强打印

Particular services are determined for each student according to documentation submitted ongoing conversation.


LBC provide students of diverse backgrounds with services that increase access to courses, 指令, 和培训 .  学生s whose primary and native langu年龄 is not English are referred as English as a Second Langu年龄 (ESL) students, and specialized academic supports are available to assist you.  可以使用的服务示例如下:

  • 替代教材
  • 在课堂上使用翻译设备的权限
  • 记笔记的人
  • 测试/测试抄写员

Particular services are determined for each student according to ongoing conversation and available documentation.


The 盟友中心 is located on level 5 of the Teague Learning Commons (TLC) at LBC’s Lancaster campus and is accessible by elevator.


  • 星期一至星期五,上午8时至下午5时
  • Monday–Thursday evenings by appointment or scheduled study group

